COVID-19 Update


Church is open to all for Sabbath school & church at the usual times. Face masks and check-in are no longer required and we are all free to sing! Praise the Lord!

Please note, this is subject to change at any time.

Real Church | Saturdays, 9:30 am

Come along for some good, old-fashioned, face-to-face praise, worship and fellowship.

Prayer Meeting ZOOM | Wednesdays, 7 pm

Prayer moves heaven. Join your prayers with those of others as we spent time meditating on blessings received and blessings requested. Your faith will be strengthened for this time together.

If you would like the links for these weekly meetings emailed to you, or if you or someone you know is struggling with current circumstances and would like prayer, a friendly phone call, or other assistance, please let us know using the below form.